Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year.

They had a week of celebrations in Fed Square in Melbourne. We went one night, it was nice.
Lots of dances by different nationalities, pretty cool music and interesting performances.

The music was mostly trancy, which combined with the costumes nearly put me in some sort of hypnosis.

They built this pyramid thing a couple of weeks ago. Kids could decorate lanterns and then they put them up on the structure. For some reason they turned them off most of the time, which kind of defeats the purpose.

Of course it takes two supervisors to watch over a fire.

Nice fire pit. They could have thrown a couple of more logs on it.

Fiiire.. oops, just put me into a trance again..

Loved this woman from the Japanese performance. They did a dance to remember the people who died in the Japan earthquake. Sad.

Good Night! And lets hope summer comes sooon!!

1 comment:

  1. I love Federation Square. Melbourne would be one of my favorite places in Oz to visit. There is always something happening there!

